Family and Followers of Jesus
in KRAMAnation
  Chlat of Svay Rieng in his unique krama style (my cousin Lyda's only son), Chensa Village, Jan. 2015

The most vivacious, beautiful Khmer-Hawaiian princess -- my 4-year-old niece Fifa, going on 30! Here modeling her silk Krama dress, a gift from her aunt when she visited a couple of years ago. (Hawaii, May 2013)
 The Hawaiian-Khmer princess has graduated to a new krama look (Hawaii, June 2014)
 My 11-month-old Delilah


My paternal cousin, Miss Socheata Long, student at Pannasastra University of Cambodia (Svay Rieng, Jan. 2015

 Lauk Yeay Chea Sok of Kep, a former witch doctor ("kru aarp") who loves Jesus, joins KRAMAnation (Jan. 2025). Here, showing off her unique style.
 Albert Cheng of the moving biography GRACE WILL LEAD ME HOME
 Lauk Yeay Sean Vouch (not a relative, but an 88-year-old good-humored woman who is wearing her last krama she wove when in Cambodia many, many years ago, here at a Thai-Laotian restaurant in a Sydney suburb where her children invited me and Khmer Post Meach Sovannara to have dinner with them (Australia, 9 Oct. 2012)
 Like brother, like sister. Sina Seng looking suave in his krama while enjoying his cigar (Michigan, Sept. 2010)
 Theary with her nephews Gabriel (right) and Jared Seng at their home in Michigan, 7 Jan. 2011
 One cool, dandy Grandma who knows how to don her krama! Mrs. Sharon Berkompas, grandma to my nieces and nephews Gabriel, Jared, Isabelle Grace and Lily; brother Sina's mother-in-law (Michigan, Oct. 2010)
  Paternal cousin Manith of Svay Rieng (Jan. 2015)

 Cambodian Catholic Christians, Feb. 2015 (Photos: Prince Sisowath Ravivaddhana Monipong)
 Sarah Venditti who founded NGO Partage La Vie, reading and translating to French letter written in English by Cambodian girls for her nieces who sponsor these girls. Erina and Meloe are wearing their krama, gifts from their sponsored Cambodian friends (at their Chamoson village home, 25 Oct. 2012)
 The very sweet, very cool 9-year-old son of Sarah (above) and David, here styling in his krama, on his way to school (Essertines of Lausanne, Switzerland, 29 Oct. 2012)
 Soul sisters in kramas - Theary with the Boelkins daughters: Jan (Talen), Chris (Konondyk), Ann (De Vries), Kathy (Van Til), Theary Seng, Christine (Boelkins) and Marla (Warren) - Sunday dinner at Ada, Michigan (9 Jan. 2011)
 Ann Boelkins DeVries styling another krama, here with her daughter Margaret after my plenary debut "Punctuation is Key to Development" at Calvin College chapel, 7 Feb. 2015
 Theary Seng wrapped in silk krama enjoying a conversation with Dr. Newton Peiris, Deputy President of Liberal Party of Sri Lanka (as well as former Chairman of Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats) at a CALD regional dinner reception at FCC Phnom Penh, 3 Oct. 2010.
Where in the world is your krama?
Page One - Advocacy main page
Page Two - EU Charge d'Affairs Rafael Dochao-Moreno
Page Three - Political satire
Page Four - the sexy iKandy
Page Five - Judith Haugwitz of Berlin
Page Six - Kramanation in war time . . .
Page Seven (this page)
Page Eight - Krama in daily life (Rithy Panh, Scott Neeson)
Page Nine - The Kennedys / Sam Rainsy / Activist Krama
Page Ten - Young, Hip, Brainy, Cosmopolitan
Page Eleven - Artists, Journalists, Photographers in KRAMAnation
 In celebration of International Human Rights Day, 10 Dec. 2010