My TREASON & INCITEMENT MASS TRIAL (Initial Page on Trial Matters)     TUESDAY, 14 JUNE 2022 VERDICT ANNOUNCEMENT Court Statement: Concluding Remarks ការការពារ ផ្លូវច្បាប់ របស់ខ្ញុំ � [ ... ]





  • Not for Sale! End Modern-day Slavery

    Not for Sale

    Award-winning journalist David Batstone reveals the story of a new generation of 21st century abolitionists and their heroic campaign to put an end to human bondage. In his accessible and inspiring book, Batstone carefully weaves the narratives of activists and those in bondage in a way that not only raises awareness of the modern-day slave trade, but also serves as a call to action.


    With 2007 bringing the 200th anniversary of the climax of the 19th century abolitionist movement, the world pays tribute to great visionary figures such as William Wilberforce of the United Kingdom and American Frederick Douglass for their remarkable strides toward framing slavery as a moral issue that people of good conscience could not tolerate. This anniversary serves not only as a commemorative date for battles won against slavery, but also as a reminder that slavery and bondage still persist in the 21st century. An estimated 27 million people around the globe suffer in situations of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation from which they cannot free themselves. Trafficking in people has become increasingly transnational in scope and highly lucrative. After illegal drug sales and arms trafficking, human trafficking is today the third most profitable criminal activity in the world, generating $31 billion annually. As many as half of all those trafficked worldwide for sex and domestic slavery are children under 18 years of age.


  • Campaign for ECCC Inventory


    Campaign for ECCC Inventory launched at the 23 July 2010 Public Forum: Transforming Killing Fields to Healing, Living Fields - Advent of Duch Verdict"


  • Khmer Products: Signature KRAMAS; Khmer Food


    Khmer Food

    Penguin Books Australia

    Marshall Cavendish Singapore

    Madame Sorey Long and her daughter Kanika Linden on the cover magazine.

    Long Botta family awarded for cookbook, 2010
    The Long family celebrated their win at the Award Ceremony in Paris, 2010.

    . . .


    The All-Purpose Signature Khmer Krama



    Cambodia is world-known for the Kampot pepper and Kampong Speu cane sugar... and the all-purpose, all-recognizably Khmer -- the KRAMAS -- from a 50 cent cotton piece to high-quality silk found in the boutiques of Manhattan and Paris...

    Louise Allison Cort, curator at the Freer and Sackler Galleries, Washington, DC admiring high quality Khmer silk wrapped in traditional Khmer krama (Photo: VOA Pin Sisovann, 2010)

    Institute for Khmer Traditional Textiles of Japanese artist Kikuo Morimoto, 2004 Laureate of Rolex Awards (Photo:  Laurent Teisseire)


    Theary Seng wrapped in Eric Raisina silk scarf, Dec. 2009


    Cambodian silk scarves by Carol Cassidy at Guggenheim Museum (NYC, March 2010)

    Theary Seng in Carol Cassidy Cambodian silk scarf at the Holocaust Museum in Berlin, Aug. 2009.
    Cambodian silk scarves ("high-end kramas") by Carol Cassidy at the Guggenheim Museum (Manhattan) - a very nice surprise to Theary Seng's okay visit to the Museum (under renovation) this March 2010 (top photo).  Theary wearing a Carol Cassidy Cambodian silk scarf to the Holocaust Museum in Berlin (Aug. 2009).

    New York Times Silk Industry Cambodia
    Special Report: Cambodia Slowly Reweaves Its Silk Industry

    (New York Times, Fashion & Style, 22 Sept. 2010)

    Advocate for the wearing of KRAMAS to functions and receptions around the world . . . send in photos with your favorite kramas !

    The happy KI Media family in Kramanation - Yippee! (Credit: UNG Bun Heang, Aug. 2010)

    Theary Seng with Kerry Kennedy, 24 Feb. 2011Ethel Kennedy in Khmer krama, March 2011
    Mrs. Ethel and Kerry Kennedy (widow and daughter of Robert F. Kennedy), defenders-in-chief of human rights defenders around the world, here donning the classic Khmer krama to signify solidarity with Cambodian human rights defenders (Phnom Penh, 24 Feb. 2011; Wash. DC, March 2011).

    MORE PHOTOS . . .


  • Mia Farrow: Dream for Darfur


    Mia Farrow, Theary Seng in Cambodia, January 2008
    Theary Seng and Mia Farrow at the Center for Social Development, Jan. 2008.

    Dream for Darfur
    Legendary actress / activist Mia Farrow and Theary Seng greeting over 150 armed bulky military police with bouquets of lotus flowers, as international media and human rights community look on at
    entrance of Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (Phnom Penh, Jan. 2008).

    "Farrow: Campbell said Diamond was from Taylor" (CNN International, 10 Aug. 2010)


    Southern Sudan: An Enduring Struggle

    South Sudan: An Enduring Struggle. Directed by Matt Dillon, board member of Refugees International, Feb. 2009.


  • Human Rights


    International Human Rights
    German Ambassador Frank Mann, French Ambassador Jean-Francois Desmazieres, US Ambassador Carol Rodley, Representative of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Christophe Peschoux, European Commission Charge d’Affaires Rafael Dochao Moreno, Adhoc President Thun Saray, CSD Director Theary C. Seng, NGO Forum Director Chhit Sam Ath, USAID Erin Soto (International Human Rights Day, Phnom Penh, 10 Dec. 2008).

    Promotional video of Angkor Hospital for Children / Friends Without a Border, featuring founder / photographer Kenro Izu, former US president Bill Clinton, legendary Quincy Jones, and author Theary Seng (2:59), 2006.

  • Against Deportation of Cambodian-Americans


    Theary Seng and KK at the Human Rights Panel hosted by Theary Seng for interns (FCC, 2008)
    Theary Seng hosting a Human Rights in Cambodia Panel for summer interns, with K.K. who is a "returnee" and like a brother, listening (FCCC, 2008).

    KK Tiny Toones at CSD national conference Nov. 2008
    K.K. (and his young battalion of talented break dancers, Tiny Toones) generously, with a bit of coaxing from Theary Seng do their magic during before a tea break at the National Conference on Justice & Reconciliation before an audience of survivors from all over Cambodia, diplomats and ECCC officials (Nov. 2008).


  • P-8 Rock Concert Against Poverty


    P-8 Rock Concert at Rostock (Germany) to coincide with nearby G-8 meeting (June 2007).  Watch video.

    Poverty is not fate: It is man-made


  • Democracy


    Theary Seng and Madam Yuschenko of Ukraine

     Two Georgetown (SFS) Hoyas in Kyiv – First Lady of Ukraine Madam Yuschenko who was a student of Southeast Asian studies (Cambodia!) with fellow Hoya Theary Seng (World Movement for Democracy in Kyiv, Ukraine, April 2008).


    Photo diary of a Cambodian democrat during times of repression

    July-Sept. 2009
    By Theary C. SENG



  • Anti-Corruption, Social Accountability


    ANSA-EAP Open Door in Hong Kong Theary Seng speaking (November 2009)

    Anti-Corruption, Social Accountability

    ANSA-EAP Open Door Regional Conference (Hong Kong, Nov. 2009)


  • Creative Expression


    Theary Seng with John Daggett and librettist Catherine Filloux at premiere of Where Elephants Weep (Chenla Theatre, November 2007)
    Theary Seng with dear friends, actor John Daggett and playwright/librettist Catherine Filloux at world premiere of Where Elephants Weep, an acclaimed rock opera of Cambodian Living Arts, Silapak Khmer Amatak (Chenla Theatre, Phnom Penh, Nov. 2008)


    See also ARTIST ...

  • Free Aung San Suu Kyi


    Theary Seng organizing a peace vigil for Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma (in front of Burmese Embassy in Phnom Penh, 2007)
    Theary Seng (pictured with Yim Sotheary) organizing a peace vigil for Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma in front of Burmese Embassy (Phnom Penh, Sept. 2007).



  • International Justice / Fair Trial Rights

    Apprehending Henry Kissinger for War Crimes


    Poetic Justice War Criminial Henry Kissinger

    Theary Seng requesting Oliver Stone to assist in getting Henry Kissinger to ECCC
    Theary Seng requesting legendary film director Oliver Stone to assist getting Henry Kissinger to testify at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal (University of Cambodia, Jan. 2010).  Please contact photographer Nigel Dickinson if interested in using photo.

    Pornography of power Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig, 2006
    The "pornography of power" exercised by these men destroyed Cambodia (File photo: Henry Kissinger, Alexander Haig in 2006)



    World Courts and International Tribunals

    ECCC chief of Defense Support Section Rupert Skilbeck and deputy Richard Rogers with CSD Theary Seng conducted a series of seminars for civil society leaders so they may better contextualize the ECCC within the larger international justice movement as they go about their outreach work with Cambodian victims/perpetrators.  See photos from these seminars . . .



    Fair Trial Rights

    (Monitoring of Cambodian Courts and ECCC)

    Judge Non Nil (president of Siem Reap Court) and CSD Theary Seng (17 April 2008)
    CSD Theary Seng having a conversation with Siem Reap court president Non Nil (whom she first met in 1997, visiting all provincial prisons to assess state of juveniles and the law, when he was president of Battambang court; now the president of the ECCC Trial Chamber) regarding CSD monitoring of fair trial rights in his court (Siem Reap, 17 April 2009).

    Court monitor Chea San with CSD director Theary Seng in front of Battambang Court, 2008
    CSD director Theary Seng with monitor Chea San after our meeting with the amiable president of Battambang Court Mr. NOV Yarath, 2008.

    CSD director Theary Seng with US Ambassador Mussomeli and Ministry of Justice director general KU Khemlin (Justice Minister Ang Vong Vatana's high representative, as he was tied up with another engagement) (Phnom Penh, March 2008)

    Chea Leang, You Bunleng and other ECCC officials with Theary Seng, Nov. 2008
    Monitoring of the ECCC:  ECCC Co-prosecutor Madam Chea Leang (also Attorney General of Cambodia, a great lady I've known since 1995 as my English student; 2nd from left), ECCC Co-Investigating Judge You Bunleng (also the president of the Court of Appeals of Cambodia, with a witty sense of humor, I've known since 1995 as my English student; 4th from left)

    MORE PHOTOS / INFO . . .



    International Criminal Court

    ICC Review Conference on the Rome Statute

    (Kampala, Uganda, 31 May - 11 June 2010)

    Luis Moreno-Ocampo
    ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo at a press conference (Uganda, June 2010)



    German Development Service / Civil Peace Service

    Featuring Theary Seng, promotional video being screened all over Germany in light of 10th anniversary of Civil Peace Service, Jan. 2010.



    Dream for Darfur Allison with Theary Seng and CSD Voice of Justice Radio staff (17 Jan. 2008)

    Theary Seng with Dream for Darfur and Tuol Sleng survivor Vann Nath (18 Jan. 2008)
    Theary Seng, CSD staff with Dream for Darfur (Allison above, Jan. 17); delegation members Freddy Mutanguha (Rwandan survivor), Van Nath (Tuol Sleng survivor), Omer Ismael (Darfuri survivor), telling radio listeners why each believes this ceremony on Sunday, Jan. 20 at Tuol Sleng is very important (Voice of Justice radio, Friday 18 Jan. 2008).


    Burma Democracy

    Theary Seng (pictured with ADHOC Ny Chakrya) organizing a Peace Vigil for Burma (Press Conference in front of Burmese Embassy in Phnom Penh, Sept. 2007)
    CSD director Theary Seng and ADHOC Ny Chakrya meeting with reports at Peace Vigil in front of Burmese Embassy in Phnom Penh (Sept. 2007).

    Theary Seng interviewed by Voice of Democracy Burma's Zor, who's being filmed by Dutch Film company, 21 April 2010
    Theary Seng being filmed/interviewed by Zor of Voice of Democracy Burma, who's being filmed by a Dutch film crew on Zor's VOD Burma series (having traveled the world prior to Cambodia), Phnom Penh, 21 April 2010.

    MORE ON BURMA . . .



  • ICT (Information Communication Technology)


    iREACH pilot project in Kep Municipality


    Headquarter of iREACH information communication technology pilot project with 11 villages in Kep Province (then Municipality), 2006-2009 under the direction of CSD Theary Seng, funded by IDRC.

    Theary Seng facilitating a seminar with the deputy district chief of Damnak Choeung Oeur, March 2008.

    iREACH is a project under the direction of CSD Theary Seng, in partnership with the Ministry of Commerce and the Kep district of Damnak Choeung Oeur, here the Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh with iREACH staff and villagers checking out Skype at the Kep headquarters, 2007.

    MORE PHOTOS . . .




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