Signature Cambodian Kramas and Silk Scarves
in action . . .
 Narrative in KI-Media
 Kramanation's very cool emissary to the European Union - only this Charge d'Affairs can pull off making the bowtie chic and this combination with the classic silk krama a workable ensemble and even more chic (Rafael Dochao-Moreno, Raffles Le Roya, 1 Sept. 2010)

 Good Krama Store in San Francisco - an amazing collection of photos and creative uses of Khmer kramas. "We have created a small business based on our favorite things in the world: KRAMA! We travel back and forth from Cambodia several times a year, importing krama back into the states and making many people happy with what we agree is the best scarf in existence. We strive to not only share krama with the world but to give back to the culture and communities which these kramas come from. When I saw your site I was happy to see more people who share our passion for krama." - Ryno Barela (Photo: Good Krama)
 Sarah Barnacle and Ranney Lochtefeld, CJR Fellows, proudly wearing their new kramas for the Center for Justice & Reconciliation public forum on the advent of the Duch verdict (Phnom Penh, 23 July 2010)
 Bunleng Men in his krama and cuff links after Le Royal reception for Canadian Ambassador (Topaz Phnom Penh, 30 June 2010)
 Soprano Diane Phelan of the rock opera Where Elephants Weep (Photo: Cambodian Living Arts)
 Theary Seng, 2008... the kramas also go well with bright yellow Gap rain boots.
 In this beautiful smile, it says: I love working in the beauty of nature, the exquisite emerald green rice fields of Cambodia. But poverty is taking me away from school. I, too, want to live in the 21th century. Do I not count? Sent by Neth Pheaktra of villager girl farming (Photo: Uy Nousereymony)
 CARE billboard at Newark International Airport (NYC), as Theary Seng ran to catch her plane home - Khmer woman in the signature krama. True, Khmer women have substantial power in the home - but unorganized, disparate. Informal power has limitations; it must be translated into real, concrete representation in official positions of power at the high-decision, policy-making level.
 The team at Cambodian Living Arts in their kramas, 2010.
 Filmmakers Thet Sambath and Rob Lemkin of Enemies of the People at Sundance Film Festival in their kramas (photo: Scott Winterton of Deseret News, Utah, Jan 2010)
 UN Representative of High Commissioner for Human Rights Christophe Peschoux in the signature Khmer krama celebrating International Human Rights Day (Phnom Penh, Dec. 2008)

 Little genius Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt and Brad Pitt showing us the different ways to don the kramas (photos: internet)
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The Krama: A Cambodian Patchwork
From near and far, the kramas grace the Cambodian people with their own special character. The humble Khmer garment, a scarf made up of thousands of tiny squares, resembles Khmers' own history: it is a patchwork of contrasting hues - dark and light, sad and joyous. After living and working for years with Khmers, one cannot help but have seen a thousand and one morsels of this material on a thousand and one different occasions. Some kramas - black and white - bespeak tragedy. Others, made of bright silks, are merrily worn to pagoda festivals. There are a plethora of kramas that reflect the many events that make up Cambodian life.
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 John Burt, Phloeun Prim and Carol of Cambodian Living Arts in their iconic kramas (Belmont, MA; May 2010)
 Emerson photography professor Lauren Shaw in beautiful silk krama (Lowell, MA; May 2010)
 Cheating! Not exactly a krama (but beautiful Cambodian silk in Cambodian patterns), 2008
Where in the world is your krama?
Your photo in your favorite krama here . . .
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Page One - Advocacy main page
Page Two (this page)
Page Three - Political satire
Page Four - the sexy iKandy
Page Five - Judith Haugwitz of Berlin
Page Six - Kramanation in war time
Page Seven - Family in Kramanation
Page Eight - Krama in daily life (Rithy Panh, Scott Neeson)
Page Nine - The Kennedys / Sam Rainsy / Activist Krama
Page Ten - Young, Hip, Brainy, Cosmopolitan
Page Eleven - Artists, Journalists, Photographers in KRAMAnation

In celebration of International Human Rights Day, 10 Dec. 2010