My TREASON & INCITEMENT MASS TRIAL (Initial Page on Trial Matters) TUESDAY, 14 JUNE 2022 VERDICT ANNOUNCEMENT Court Statement: Concluding Remarks ការការពារ ផ្លូវច្បាប់ របស់ខ្ញុំ [ ... ] |
EDITOR of the Punctuated Khmer Bible
Awesome video! The best explanation of the Bible anywhere, and in only a few minutes!
... saved by Grace. "I am not what I ought to be; I am not what I wished to be; I am not what I hoped to be; Yet, I can truly say, I am not what once I was. By the grace of God, I am what I am."
- John Newton (author of Amazing Grace)
A Franciscan Prayer
A deeply profound 12-part series by USC philosopher Dallas Willard.
Powerful, insightful, must-read!
St. Augustine traces the parallel courses of the earthly and heavenly cities from the time of Abraham to the end of the world; and alludes to the oracles regarding Christ, both those uttered by the Sibyls... THE CITY OF GOD, a masterpiece that was written in Latin over many years and published in 426 A.D. by Augustine of Hippo
Rightly Ordered Love and Disordered Loves
But living a just and holy life requires one to be capable of an objective and impartial evaluation of things: to love things, that is to say, in the right order, so that you do not love what is not to be loved, or fail to love what is to be loved, or have a greater love for what should be loved less, or an equal love for things that should be loved less or more, or a lesser or greater love for things that should be loved equally.
- St. Augustine, On Christian Doctrine, I.27-28
Dante conceived of the seven deadly sins in terms of disordered love. The proud, envious and wrathful were guilty of misdirected love; the slothful were guilty of deficient love; and the avaricious, gluttonous, and lustful were guilty of excessive love... If virtue is love rightly ordered in our hearts, it stands to reason that vice is the opposite [or, disordered loves]. - Brian G. Hedges
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Veritas Forum at Harvard
John Stott, TIME's 100 most influential, 2005
"Is Jesus Christ Truth for the 21st Century?"
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[Veritas Forum] Living Well in the Light of Death - NT Wright and Shelly Kagan at Yale
NT Wright: is not a problem for God to bring bodies back together again, because, apart from anything else, as you know, the atoms and molecules which make up my body and your body are at constant process of flux; they change basically at every 7 years. I think it’s a little over 7 years since I was last here at Yale, and that means that I am physically not in any respect the same person that came last time. One way of putting this: we have continuity of form, but discontinuity of matter. Paul says in I Corinthians that God will give us a new body. ...
Somebody asked the theologian Tertullian supposing a cannibal eats a Christian and then the cannibal converts, then in the resurrection, who’s going to get which bits? Tertullian basically says, don’t ask silly questions.
But interestingly, the theologian Origen around the same time (early 3rd century) gave the argument that I just gave, that our bodies are in a state of flux and God will give us new bodies with such continuity as is appropriate.
How to Flourish in a time of culture weakness
Christianity Today | 2 November 2015
Why settle for the 'Wilberforce Option' when we have Dr. King?
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Reflections on the Psalms C.S. Lewis
Such people put up a version of Christianity suitable for a child of six and make that the object of their attack. - CS Lewis, The Abolition of Man
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Church Members Mistreat Homeless Man Unaware It Is Their Pastor in Disguise
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Challenging the Darkness: Towards a Christian Renaissance Os Guinness at Redeemer Presbyterian Church (NYC)
How Nick Vujicic Triumphed Against All Odds - Oprah's Lifeclass - Oprah Winfrey Network -- The same Nick Vujicic who came here to Cambodia in 2013 to speak.
. . . Without God, we cannot; without us, God will not. - St. Augustine . . .
Devotional | World Vision Magazine | Marilee Pierce Dunker
My spiritual sister, mentor and friend.
And of course the author of, among other books, the brilliant MAN OF VISION, about her father Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision and Samaritan's Purse.
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. . . My most favorite Book in the KHMER language can be purchased at the Family Bookstore in Phnom Penh The Streaming Bible -- listening to the Bible read to you in KHMER!
Holy Bible in Khmer: Theary Seng Version
in format, with punctuation marks
Some of Theary Seng's favorite inspirational authors: St. Augustine (The Confessions, The City of God); St. Paul (especially his letters to 1st century Christians in Rome and Philippi); St. Luke (the 3rd Gospel, Acts); C. S. Lewis (especially his Christian apologetics - Mere Christianity, The Weight of Glory, The Four Loves, etc.); Lewis B. Smedes (especially Love Within Limits which beautifully, practically explains line by line St. Paul's chapter on Love in his first letter to the Corinthians, which deeply contributed to Theary's healing process, especially during the turbulent years in high school); Fyodor Dostoyevsky (The Brothers Karamazov); Martin Luther King, Jr.; Mahatma Gandhi... I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic -- on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg -- or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.
Table of Contents
1. The Law of Human Nature
2. Some Objections
3. The Reality of the Law
4. What Lies Behind the Law
5. We Have Cause to Be Uneasy
1. The Rival Conceptions of God
2. The Invasion
3. The Shocking Alternative
4. The Perfect Penitent
5. The Practical Conclusions
1. The Three Parts of Morality
2. The "Cardinal Virtues"
3. Social Morality
4. Morality and Psychoanalysis
5. Sexual Morality
6. Christian Marriage
7. Forgiveness
8. The Great Sin
9. Charity
10. Hope
11. Faith
12. Faith
1. Making and Begetting
2. The Three-Personal God
3. Time and Beyond Time
4. Good Infection
5. The Obstinate Toy Soldiers
6. Two Notes
7. Let's Pretend
8. Is Christianity Hard or Easy?
9. Counting the Cost
10. Nice People or New Men
11. The New Men
The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis
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Not every false teaching deserves the label. How to tell which ones do.
Christianity Today
In essentials, unity; In non-essentials, liberty; In all things, charity [love].
. . . Most recently... Croatian-American Yale professor's Exclusion & Embrace... BRILLIANT !! BRILLIANT !! BRILLIANT !!! (also, excerpt "Tsunamis and God")
...and President of World Vision Richard Stearns' The Hole in Our Gospel - a deeply moving, beautifully written testimony/challenge to put faith into action. (Richard and Renee Stearns in Cambodia, Feb. 2012). "Goodby, Christian America; Hello, True Christianity" (Huffington Post, Nov. 2012 by Richard Stearns)
and even more recently, after meeting Philip Yancey at the Prison Fellowship International's quadrennial convocation, his brilliant The Jesus I Never Knew and What's So Amazing about Grace and
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My interview with
Georgetown University (17 Sept. 2010)
"Justice and Reconciliation Public Forums", hailed as Cambodia's informal Truth and Reconciliation Commission conducted by Ms. Theary C. Seng across the 24 provinces of Cambodia during a period of 3 years, which ended abruptly by a politically-motivated injunction order in July 2009. . . .
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
“But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law...” - Galatians 4:4 (NKJV)