in war time . . .
(A contribution of KI Media Heng Soy - photos and captions)
 A hat is not a hat unless wrapped by a krama. Khmer soldiers patrol (Photo: AP, 16 Jan. 2008)
 A krama to keep the head warm - Khmer villagers fleeing in Preah Vihear (photo: AP, 18 July 2008)
 Bro, your krama looks cool; I wish I have one, too. (Khmer soldiers, 17 July 2008, AFP).
 Cambodian refugees in the ubiquitous kramas fleeing to Thailand (Alan Nogues, Corbis Sygma).
 Camouflage krama - Khmer troops with monks (Photo: Reuters, 18 July 2008).
 How many krama can you count? Cambodian refugees in Thailand (Getty Images).
 How many krama in there? Phnom Penh evacuation, April 1975.
 Minus the shoes, Heng Soy's favorite outfit as a kid. Cambodian boy fetching water, eased by the krama shoulder pad (Photo: PFD).
 Odd looking krama, but a krama nonetheless. Khmer troops at Preah Vihear (Reuters).
 Krama sling. Khmer troops (Photo: KS).

 Magic krama. A Cambodian soldier wearing a magic scarf for protection (AFP).
 Thanks to the comfort feeling of the krama. Cambodian refugees fleeing to Thailand.
 Krama to take the donations back home. Cambodian refugees (Getty).
 The many uses of the krama during that miserable March 1975 - wounded refugees.
 Thank you, Heng Soy, for the contribution of this whole page !
Page One - Advocacy main page
Page Two - EU Charge d'Affairs Rafael Dochao-Moreno
Page Three - Political satire
Page Four - the sexy iKandy
Page Five - Judith Haugwitz of Berlin
Page Six (this page)
Page Seven - Family in Kramanation
Page Eight - Krama in daily life (Rithy Panh, Scott Neeson)
Page Nine - the Kennedys / Sam Rainsy / Activist Krama
Page Ten - Young, Hip, Brainy, Cosmopolitan
Page Eleven - Artists, Journalists, Photographers in KRAMAnation
 In celebration of International Human Rights Day, 10 Dec. 2010