Conferences / Speaking Engagements 2010
Calvin College and Guangdong University dinner reception (FCC, Phnom Penh, 18 Jan. 2010)
 Theary Seng signing books for Calvin College and Guangdong University students/professors after speaking at dinner reception hosted by Wally Boelkins (FCC Phnom Penh, 18 Jan. 2010)
Building Multi-Stakeholder Coalitions for Governance Reform (ADB headquarters, Manila, the Philippines, 17 - 19 February 2010)
 Luncheon panelists: ADB Sandra Nicoll, World Bank Caby Verzosa, ANSA-EAP Angelita Gregoria-Medel, World Bank Joel Turkewitz, CMPartners LLM Eric Henry (ADB headquarters, Manila, 17 Feb. 2010)
 Theary Seng with Eric Henry (Managing Partner of CMParnters, LLC), Helen R. Garcia (World Bank, DC), Edward Gacusana (Makati Business Club, ANSA-EAP Fellow), Undral Gombodorj (Mongolia) at reception in garden of ADB headquarter, Manila (17 Feb. 2010)
Speaking at Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Makati (Manila, 18 Feb. 2010) - "The Khmer Rouge Tribunal and its Implications for International Justice: The Tribunal as a court of law and a court of public opinion"
 Theary Seng treated to dinner at posh Makati after engaging talks, with AIM Dean Mike Luz (also Theary's colleague of ANSA-EAP), his daughter Bunny and assistant attorney Daisy Gabriel, 18 Feb. 2010.
Executive Committee Meeting of ANSA-EAP (Manila, 20 Feb. 2010)
 ANSA-EAP Executive Committee after meeting: Andrew Parker (World Bank Philippines), Mary McNeil (World Bank Institute, Chair Mike Luz (AIM Dean), Theary Seng, Tony La Vina (Dean of Ateneo School of Government), ANSA-EAP coordinator/director Angge Gregoriomedel, Teten Masduki (Indonesia, head of Transparency International). About to have dinner with ANSA-EAP fellows and Secretariat (Manila, 20 Feb. 2010)
Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) (AIM Makati, Manila, 22-26 Feb. 2010)
 Theary Seng enjoying the Philippine International Arts Festival at the Makati Greenbelt shopping center, 21 Feb. 2010.
World Bank Headquarters, Brown Bag Luncheon (Washington, DC, 4 March 2010)
 Theary Seng in front of the World Bank Headquarters (Washington, DC, March 2010), modeling the very cool security posts, the handiwork of brother Sina's company Conceptual Site Furnishings, Inc.
National Press Club Newsmaker: (Washington, DC, Friday, 5 March 2010 at 4 p.m.)
 NPC committee member Peter Hickman introducing Newsmaker Theary Seng (National Press Club, Wash. DC, 5 March 2010)

 Theary Seng with VOA Khmer Service, NPC Peter Hickman, author Chanrithy Him after Newsmaker program (National Press Club, 5 March 2010). This Newsmaker program is available for NPC members online off the NPC website as well as on the announced CD.
Women of Vision National Conference (Washington, DC 7-10 March 2010)

 The dynamic, inspirational, passionate, sassy, brilliant Dr. Ayoade Olatunbosun-Alakija captivated the 250 Christian women gathering from all over the US during lunch, speaking on Gender Justice (International Women's Day, Sheraton Premiere at Tyson's Corner, 8 March 2010)
 Theary Seng sitting next to incredible Christian women before her talk "Daughter of Killing Fields Transformed by Grace" - Women of Vision director Cynthia Breilh, Jean Graham Ford (sister of Billy Graham), and friend who has been to Cambodia and is sponsoring Cambodian children). International Women's Day dinner reception, Sheraton Premiere Hotel, 8 March 2010.
International Women's Day Celebration Dinner Theary Seng - keynote speaker: "Daughter of the Killing Fields Transformed by Grace"
Author Valerie Bell's Blog: "Their Eyes Were Wide Open"
Rutgers School of Law Symposium - Human and Economic Dimensions of the Law in Asia (2 April 2010, Rutgers School of Law, New Jersey) Press Release
 Theary Seng speaking at Prof. Alex Hinton's seminar, photos with Prof. Hinton, Elena Lesley, author Dy Khamboly and other Khmer exchange students (Rutgers University, 1 April 2010)
 After speaking at the seminar above, Theary Seng at dinner with Prof. Alex Hinton, his deputy Neja Navarro (Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights, Rutgers University), Elena Lesley (Newark, 1 April 2010)
 Theary Seng joining the Panelists after her opening remarks, moderated by Prof. Alex Hinton (Rutgers School of Law, 2 April 2010) MORE PHOTOS...
Human Rights Resource Center for ASEAN Governing Board Meeting (Four Seasons Hotel, Jakarta, 17-20 April 2010)
 HRRCA Governing Board meeting: Ong Keng Yong (former ASEAN Secretary-General, Singapore), Theary Seng, Kavi Chongkittavorn (Editor of The Nation, Thailand), Param Cumaraswamy (UN Secretary General Special Representative for Judicial Independence, Malaysia), Asmara Nababan (prominent human rights advocates for some 40 years, Indonesia), Kevin Tan (NUS law professor, Singapore), David Cohen (director of UC Berkeley War Crimes Center), Greg Churchill, USAID-funded ASEAN-Technical Assistance & Training Facility team of TimBuehrer, Lisa Hillmann, Roichatul Aswidah (Four Season Hotel Jakarta, 18 April 2010).
Meetings for Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights' Speak Truth to Power
(Phnom Penh, 21-24 April and NYC, 3 May 2010)
 John Heffernan, Son Soubert (Member of Constitutional Council), Theary Seng (FCC Phnom Penh, 22 April 2010)
 The starry cast (Meryl Streep, Viggo Mortensen, Julianne Moore etc.) with playwright Ariel Dorfman and visionary Kerry Kennedy for STTP benefit for earthquake victims in Chile (Public Theatre, NYC, 3 May 2010)

Young Leaders Mentoring Programme of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in association with Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, Mentor Theary Seng training on "Leadership, Human Rights" (Phnom Penh, 24 April 2010)
 Mentor Theary Seng training on "Leadership, Human Rights" as part of the Young Leaders Mentor Program of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and CICP (Phnom Penh, 24 April 2010)
International Criminal Court Review Conference of the Rome Statute of the Assembly of States Parties (Kampala, Uganda, 30 May - 5 June 2010) Theary Seng speaking on Innovative Approaches to Outreach Panel (organized by OSJI); Journal of Assembly of States Parties .
More info ...

CJR-CIVICUS Public Forum: Transforming Killing Fields into Healing, Living Fields on the advent of Duch verdict hearing (23 July 2010, Pannasastra University of Cambodia Auditorium, Norodom Blvd. campus south of Independence Monument)

 Panelists: ECCC Lars Olsen, Olympian/Civil Party Rob Hamill, S-21 survivors Bou Meng and Van Nath, historian David Chandler, British Ambassador Andrew Mace, ECCC chief of Victims Support Section Chhorng Rong, ECCC legal advisor Dr. Meas Bora, AIJI deputy director Michelle Staggs Kelsall, Victims Association deputy president Chea Theara, prolific writer and active member of Victims Association Oum Suphany.
 Diplomats, national/international media (The London Times, AP, AFP, DPA, VOA, Reuters etc. plus several film crews making documentaries), survivors, researchers, students etc.
Initiative for Intercultural Learning from Switzerland (Civicus/CJR Office, 12 Aug. 2010)
Human Rights Resource Center for ASEAN Governing Board Meeting
 Governing Board of Human Rights Resource Center for ASEAN (Gran Mahakam Hotel Jakarta, 23 Aug. 2010)
EU-Cambodia Human Rights Seminar: "The Role of Civil Society and Human Rights Defenders" (31 Aug. - 1 Sept. 2010, Raffles Le Royal Hotel, Phnom Penh)
Rotary Center for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution, Chulalongkorn University (CIVICUS/CJR Office, 6 Sept. 2010)
 Theary Seng speaking with 16 Rotary Peace Fellows from all around the world. MORE PHOTOS...
Launch Ceremony of Human Rights Resource Center for ASEAN (Jakarta, 19 October 2010)

ANSA-EAP Foundation Executive Committee Member meeting (Gending Kedis Villas - Jimbaran, Bali, 13-16 October 2010)

Facing Genocide Panel and Screenings with Mr. Hans Corell, Producers/Directors David Aronowitsch and Staffan Lindberg and Theary Seng (Stockholm, 20 and 23 Oct. 2010)
 Theary Seng with producer Jenny Ornborn, directors David Aronowitsch and Staffan Lindberg and Hans Corell, the former chief of UN Office of Legal Affairs who negotiated the ECCC, after the screening and panel and before nice dinner in Stockholm, 20 Oct. 2010.
Folke Bernadotte Academy's Course on Reconciliation and Coexistence Workshop (Sando, Sweden, 21-28 October 2010)

Meetings and Seminar Screening of Facing Genocide at International Rome Film Festival - competing for Best Documentary Film (Rome, Italy, 1-5 Nov. 2010)
 Director David Aronowitsch, Theary Seng, Sina Seng, producer Tobias Janson walking the red carpet to the screening of Facing Genocide at International Rome Film Festival (Italy, 3 Nov. 2010)
Official IRFF / Professional Photos . . .
And a few more . . .
2010 Ripple of Hope Awards Dinner Honoring George Clooney (Piers Sixty at Chelsea Piers, New York City. 17 Nov. 2010): Theary Seng, CIVICUS/CJR Founding President, attending, a Cambodia partner of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights' Speak Truth to Power

Friedrich Naumann Stiftung's Cambodia IAF (International Academy for Leadership) Alumni Network Dinner - Ms. Theary C. Seng, speaker "Justice and Reconciliation" (TELL Restaurant Phnom Penh, 16 Dec. 2010)
