Siem Reap Public Forum
Justice & Reconciliation
March 2007

 DED country director Wolfgang Mollers, Cambodian Co-Prosecutor Chea Leang, Member of Parliament for Siem Reap, Theary Seng, ECCC chief o Public Affairs Helen Jarvis

 Dr. Helen Jarvis
 DED Wolfgang Mollers
 Cambodian Co-Prosecutor Chea Leang as Siem Reap Member of Parliament listens
 UN Senior Assistant Prosecutor Alex Bates, as Theary Seng, Jurgen Assmann and Siem Reap Parliamentarian look on.
 Student asking questions, with sign indicating the availability of counseling services throughout the public forum day.

 Helping participants complete the questionnaire before lunch break.

 Coffee break.
 DED Psychotherapist/consultant, Yim Sotheary, Om Chariya, Pholy Sathya - the psychological support team, with sign indicating where participants can for counseling should they want it during the public forum day.
 Yim Sotheary, Om Chariya, Theary Seng in front of sign indicating availability of counseling services during the day of public forum.
 Theary Seng with her CSD team, mainly the staff of the Public Forum Unit.
Listen to the entire Siem Reap public forum on the Voice of Justice Radio Program, high-resolution recording and professionally edited and prepared. Approx. 6 hrs.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI