Koh Kong Public Forum
Justice & Reconciliation
6 June 2008
 Theary Seng with Koh Kong deputy governor NONG Dinal, filmed by ARTE, NHK and German cinematographer Marc Eberle
 Koh Kong Deputy Governor NONG Dinal
 UN Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde
 Marcel Lemonde
 ECCC Chief of Public Affairs Dr. Helen Jarvis
 Matthew Duckworth, political officer of Australian Embassy
 Matthew Duckworth
 Keat Bophal, former staff of UN Office for Human Rights, first chief of the ECCC Victims Support Section but was soon pushed out (for actually taking her job seriously?)
 Nhem Samnang, chief of ECCC Witness Support Section
 Cambodian senior assistant prosecutor Tan Senarong, ECCC Office of Co-Prosecutors
 Craig Etcheson, KR scholar and investigator for the ECCC Office of Co-Prosecutors
 Theary Seng moderating and introducing the CSD Psychosocial Support team, the availability of a quiet room and counseling for participants throughout the public forum day.
 Theary Seng moderating
 A man paging through the Understanding Trauma in Cambodia Handbook provided to the participants.
 Woman who found her nephew while on the Provincial Tour Visit to S-21
 Koh Kong woman who discovered her nephew's photo at S-21

 A student mentions the need for more information for the young.
 Long Panhavuth, monitor for Open Society Justice Initiative
 DED Andreas Selmeci gives a personal testimony on trauma and the German experience
 French lawyer Pauline Baranes explaining the role of the Defense

 Theary Seng relaxing with Koh Kong participants who had been on the Provincial Tour Visit to Phnom Penh and members of the Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia during coffee break
 Immediate before breaking for lunch, the participants are asked to complete a simple questionnaire, e.g. "What is Justice", "What is reconciliation", "peace", etc., assisted by CSD staff as many cannot read or write due to lack/limited education or poor eyesight.

 CSD Yim Sotheary assisting a woman with the survey.
. . . . .
The morning after the one-day forum is reserved for the Civil Parties of Orphans Class Seminar, conducted by Theary Seng (and Sok Leang when Theary is not in country). To provide security in the rare case a participant wants privacy, we do not take photos or allow for any sound/image recording.
 After an intense full morning of conducting the Civil Parties of Orphans Class Seminar, Theary Seng and staff tour the Koh Kong protected Mangrove Forest, 7 June 2008.
Listen to the entire Koh Kong public forum on the Voice of Justice Radio Program, high-resolution recording, approx. 6 hrs.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI