My TREASON & INCITEMENT MASS TRIAL (Initial Page on Trial Matters) TUESDAY, 14 JUNE 2022 VERDICT ANNOUNCEMENT Court Statement: Concluding Remarks ការការពារ ផ្លូវច្បាប់ របស់ខ្ញុំ [ ... ] |
Arrests of CNRP elected MPs directly related to Political Stalemate;
Hun Xen and his thuggish CPP helping to create the perfect storm for their own downfall
- Trumped-up charges of insurrection and incitement to commit a felony; the court cited articles 459, leading an insurrection; 495, incitement to commit a felony; as well as 28 and 218, both under aggravated circumstances in the criminal code.
- 6 sent to notorious Prey Sar prison for pre-trial detention; 3 more CNRP officials to be questioned (but according to CNRP Son Chhay already charged in absentia with same crimes) which could easily lead to their arrest (Long Ry, Nuth Rumduol, Khin Roeun)
- Issue of Parliamentary Immunity: when does this right attach?
- Security forces made accessible hundreds of wooden sticks to the protesters Hun Sen and the thuggish CPP are helping to create the perfect storm for their own downfall, heaping burning coals on their heads in this most recent shenanigans.
Always with this Hun Xen and his thuggish regime, irregularities abound in the legal proceeding. They have such a disdain and low opinion of the populous, that they don't care. IMPUNITY. Now, in the Information Age, the people are forcing them to care!
As such, the CNRP should stay coherent in its stance in calling this CPP-established National Assembly and CPP-established Government UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This means the detained CNRP elected MPs should not invoke their parliamentary immunity. According to Article 80 of the Constitution, an MP's parliamentary immunity attaches during "the exercise of his/her duties", once there exists a legitimate National Assembly.
Legally, the charges against them are groundless that they have no need to invoke this immunity.
Politically, invoking it will only confused and weakened their position on the unconstitutionality of the current NatAss (CPP-est. National Assembly) and Govment (CPP-est. Government). On the contrary, not invoking it will gain further sympathy from the already enraged public. Nor will invoking it make any difference.
After following the news and events throughout the day to this evening, I am convinced there were thugs embedded among protesters who immediately responded to the violence of uniformed forces in order to set the stage for the arrests and legal proceeding against the CNRP elected MPs.
And their arrest is to force one issue among many: will these CNRP elected MPs argue for their parliamentary immunity? The issue hinges on when this right attach.
The risible charges of insurrection and incitement to commit a felony run counter to everything these CNRP detainees have advocated publicly time and again. Not only are these individuals not capable of violence or its advocacy, they as part of the larger CNRP policy have trained on countless occasions on non-violence mass protests.
Since 19 July 2013, the CNRP has led countless massive demonstrations which emphasized non-violence and peace.
There have only been two exceptions -- January 3 and this July 15 -- and they arose under highly questionable circumstances and timing.
- Theary, 16 July 2014 evening, updated night
MP-elect, chief of CNRP security Long Ry and MP-elect for Kampong Speu Nuth Romduol are on the list to be questioned, which could lead to their arrest.
- Theary, 16 July 2014 evening
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the 5 CNRP elected-MPs
and CNRP Youth Leader NOW!
6 CNRP officials detained and scores injured in violent clashes near Democracy Square Phnom Penh, 15 July 2014
We must condemn all forms of violence! It is heartbreaking to see the images and videos from yesterday.
An immediate thought occurred as I viewed these images in light of the overt threat of violence by Phnom Penh Municipality the day before:
WHO were the men who engaged in senselessly beating and kicking and pounding rock on the heads of the security guards? Were they hired to be part of the protesters to jump immediately and pounce the security guards (as seen from the videos) to set the pretext for legal action against CNRP officials to once and for all end the challenge to Democracy Square?
Or, were they genuine protesters who could no longer restrain their impatience with this Hun Xen regime?
I had similar thoughts at the violence clashes of January 2 and 3 earlier this year, when 4 workers were left dead, in a clash where protesters also responded to the violence with violence.
At these two events, the circumstances raise probing questions, whether hired thugs were not embedded into the protesters to respond with violence? The images of the violent protesters also fit the type of civilian thugs hired by the authority in other protests. On the day before, the thuggerish regime threatened violence. Excerpt from Freedom Park Braces for Violence, Phnom Penh Post, 14 July 2014:
"Elected lawmakers from the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party will be beaten by security forces if they are perceived to be violating the law during their visit to Freedom Park this morning, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday. "Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak reasoned that because the opposition members are not considered lawmakers until they take their seats in the National Assembly, which they have boycotted to protest last year’s elections, security forces are permitted to use violence against them.
Is this Hun Xen and thuggerish regime capable of embedding thugs? An easy, resounding YES!
Did this Hun Xen and thuggish regime forget about this capability to embed thugs at this protest, especially as their frustrations mount re the political stalemate, with the the Democracy Square being the most visible and antagonistic issue? OF COURSE NOT!
Has this Hun Xen and thuggish regime resort to violence, murders, and the kangaroo court before when they are frustrated with political stalemate in times past? YES! Think Chea Vichea and the wave of violence during that 2003 election stalemate!
Does this Hun Xen and thuggish regime have a strong motive for the disguised thug "protesters" to engage in violence THIS time around? An easy, resounding YES! To justify their use of violence and strong-handed tactics in suppressing the "violent protesters" then and in the future. Generally, to put pressure on the CNRP to join the National Assembly.
- Theary, 16 July 2014
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Protesters and police clash in Cambodia
CNRP MPs-elect and senior officials Mu Sochua, Men Sothavrin, Keo Phirum, Ho Vann, Real Khemarin arrested. I know 3 of these 5 as friends. It should be noted that tthree of the 5 CNRP officials have dual nationalities: Sochua Mu, Khmer / US; Men's Sothavarin, Khmer / French; Phirum Keo, Khmer / NZ Kiwi My interview with the Financial Times has been moved to later this afternoon. Just gave a scathing interview to ABC Radio Australia (English) on this matter, very nasal-sounding for those who will happen to listen the broadcast as I'm still futilely trying to rid of the cold since Friday, even after 4 boxes of tissue, to no avail. Excerpt: This anachronistic Hun Sen regime is futilely attempting to cage democracy and freedom; it is a risible attempt that will only further anger the people. The security forces incited the violence, started the violence. It was unfortunate that the protesters responded with violence, but this is the exception and not the norm. The arrest of CNRP elected MPs will only increase their popularity, as these individuals, particularly Mu Sochua, have international stature. It would be really stupid if any harm comes to them. These individuals will not back down; they're highly principled.
- Theary, 15 July 2014
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Hun Sen's CPP umbilical cord to Vietnam
We Cambodians in our violent, ugly rant against Vietnamese PEOPLE living illegally in Cambodia have lost almost all credibility to speak about REAL, URGENT territorial annexation and predatory POLICIES (airlines, ICT, to name but two). We must learn to distinguish between the AGGRESSIVE, PREDATORY POLICY of Vietnam via its puppet Hun Xen and the CPP and the Vietnamese PEOPLE, often poor and tools of their government in flooding Cambodia, not unlike in a narrow sense the Jews flooding Palestine. The way to deal with illegal immigration is not the way of the Burmese monks against the Rohyingas. ALWAYS, and ANYWHERE, VIOLENCE IS NEVER THE ANSWER. Rather than expend the negative, aggressive energy against PEOPLE, work to remove this ILLEGAL HUN SEN government AND DEVELOP THE MIND (like the Singaporeans, like the Jews) as well as the HEART. We must do away with ugly speech, which means, LEARN NEW VOCABULARY to lessen the urge for speech of emotion. New vocabulary will allow speech from the MIND and less from the emotional heart. New vocabulary (from LEARNING which is both formal education and reflected experiences) WITH wisdom of the heart will broaden the needed ability to put thoughts and ideas which are struggling with us now for expression. When we are frustrated with injustice and lack the ability to communicate ideas and to parse concepts, it's not then surprising that we should resort to our base nature, our venting, as human nature is already inclined in that direction. Learning and reflection, will not necessarily assure, but at least can help to stem our base nature.
- Theary Seng, 8 July 2014
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Cambodia is a daily battlefield for the majority poor
RFA A group of villagers in central Cambodia involved in a long-running land dispute with a company belonging to the wife of Mines Minister Suy Sem used machetes and sticks on Monday to protect their leaders from being arrested by about 200 policemen
Everywhere in Cambodia is a war zone for the poor, the majority Cambodians, inlcluding Phnom Penh. We the elites have our enclaves where we can escape the daily violence of normal life in cafes, villas and NGO offices.
- Theary, 8 July 2014
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Inside Cambodia's SHOCKING Trade The Guardian | 6 July 2014
[T]he trade in virgins is one of the most endemic forms of sexual exploitation in Cambodia. It is a market sustained by severe poverty and ingrained gender inequality.... Dishonesty aside, the greatest pitfall of [Somaly Mam's] fraudulence was not so much that it misrepresented the scale of the problem. It was that it misrepresented the solutions. In promoting herself – and allowing others to do it for her – as a survivor single-handedly rescuing girls from evil predators, she made finding answers seem all too easy.... He mentions a case last year of a senior military officer who was diagnosed with cancer and given one year to live. His wife agreed to let the man use more than £1m of their family money to "enjoy himself" before he died. "We knew he was buying a new virgin every week, but there was nothing we could do," says the policeman... He is someone whose name crops up repeatedly in relation to the virgin trade among journalists and activists in Cambodia. (It is not the same politician who bought Dara.) Uy said the man went further than purchasing virgins for his immediate pleasure – he "reserved" younger girls for the future. "He asked mothers to bring their underage daughters to the beer garden after-hours," she explains. "Then he chose the ones he liked, and gave their mothers some money every week to buy rice until the girls grew up." A mutual arrangement was made, she adds, that he would buy their virginity when they reached adolescence.
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Working ‘mother’ kept child chained Phnom Penh Post | 7 July 2014
Police and rights group Adhoc found the small girl sitting on the floor with a chain padlocked around her ankle, securing her to a building post. She told police that once, desperately thirsty, she drank her own urine.... The girl moved in with the suspect as collateral for a loan the girl’s biological mother borrowed from the woman about two years ago, she told police.... The suspect, who worked as a farmer at a plantation a kilometre or so from the house, chained the toddler each workday from 7am to 11am and then from 1pm to 5pm, she told police.
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Incredible sight of the elephant that cried: For 50 years, Raju was held in spiked shackles which cut his legs, forced to beg, beaten and abused. On the day he was released tears rolled down his face Daily Mail | 6 July 2014
Raju the elephant was rescued by a team from North London-based charity Wildlife SOS after suffering for 50 years in the Uttar Pradesh area of India. Every day, the majestic animal was forced to hold out his trunk and beg for a few coins from passers-by - surviving only on plastic and paper for food. He was left bleeding from spiked shackles (top left) and was living on hand-outs from passing tourists after he was captured and tied up by his 'owner'. However, after 50 years of torture, the animal cried tears of relief (centre) after he was rescued in a daring midnight operation (bottom left) - fittingly on American Independence Day - and taken to the charity's Elephant Conservation and Care Centre at Mathura, south-east of Delhi (right).
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Stop the Execution of Meriam!
Meriam Yehya Ibrahim is eight months pregnant. Sudan intends to execute her just because she is Christian. Meriam has been sentenced to death for 'apostasy', or refusing to renounce her religion. Meriam has also been sentenced to 100 lashes for being married to a Christian man. She is a prisoner of conscience. Ask Sudan to release her.
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In loving memory of an unforgettable man
LiveStream of "Celebration of Life" Funeral Service 5 p.m. Friday, 9 May 2014 at Keystone Community Church
Wally Boelkins - Life Legacy
Two of Wally's favorite books of the Bible are: PROVERBS and JAMES
Wally (Wallace) Boelkins, age 82 went to his eternal Home peacefully surrounded by family on May 2, 2014.
Wally was preceded in death by his wife of 54 years, Marge (Margaret Betten) Boelkins, his wife of 4 years, Helen Mellema, and three great grandchildren. Wally’s surviving family members are: Marla (Tom) Warren, Kathy (Kent) VanTil, Jan (Chip) Talen, Chris (Dave) Konyndyk, Chuck (Chris) Boelkins, and Ann (Guy) DeVries. Wally has 22 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren; and two brothers, Winston and Stan Boelkins.
He is also survived by the Seng family, to whom he was a father-figure, and the extended Mellema family.
Wally had a dynamic relationship with God. He believed in a simple but intense faith lived out through a purposeful life using the gifts God had given him to bless the lives of others and share the message of Jesus Christ.
Many were touched by his generosity and sense of humor.
Wally had a God-given gift to see the potential in people and gave hope and friendship to many. Wally owned and operated Unist, Inc. (formerly Uni-Mist) for over 40 years, growing his business from a single room in a basement to a world-wide corporation. He loved his business and believed strongly in his products.
His business was also a ministry, as Wally employed, supported, and mentored many people over the years.
Wally liked to try new things and believed that life should be lived with enjoyment. He spoke his mind while keeping things in perspective and had a contagious laugh and sense of humor.
He loved traveling and enjoying God’s world and often took others along for the ride. Wally loved the water and will be remembered by many for sailing on Goldy-Lux, fishing, and countless fun times at his cottage.
Also, he and Marge had many houseguests over the years who will fondly remember their hospitality. Family dinners and trips created lasting memories with kids and grandkids. He especially enjoyed the company of young people and his grandchildren will truly miss their Grandpa, Gramps, G-unit, G-pops.
Undoubtedly, there was a celebration in heaven full of joy that is beyond our comprehension.
He is free of sickness and old age. We are sure there were hugs, dancing, laughter, thunderous applause, singing, and a warm ocean breeze.
His was a life well lived, and he will be so dearly missed. Thanks to God for the gift of Wally.
A Celebration of Life Service will be held Friday 5:00 p.m. at Keystone Community Church, 655 Spaulding Ave., Ada, MI 49301.Visitation Thursday May 8, 11am-1pm, 4pm-7pm at O’Brien-Gerst Chapel, 3980 Cascade Rd. S.E., Grand Rapids, and one hour prior to the service at the church.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Wedgewood Christian Services or the Van Andel Institute for Parkinson’s Disease research.
Marge (Jan. 2008), Wally (2 May 2014).
The loss is indescribable, yet too raw for words.
My cousin Donny's wedding (California, 2008)