One of the truly, very rare moments I wish I am richer monetarily is when lusting after Eric Raisina Khmer silk designs... If ever I decide to leave the human rights field for the higher-paying private sector, it will not be out of fear from government repression, nor for romantic love but solely to be able to afford Eric's clothes (!). I live in this embroidered silk dress by Eric (pictured), as you may have noticed from the photos of this dress spotted at various events around the world, here at The Hague, May 2009.
 German film director Detlev Buck and Theary Seng at the after-party of Same Same But Different premiere (The Chinese House, 19 Dec. 2009).
 In front of CINE LUX where SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT had its Cambodia premiere. Sok Leang, Theary Seng, producer Claus Boje, production designer Udo Kramer, Uncle Ani Seng from Toulouse, Daravuth Seng. (19 Dec. 2009, photo by Jenny Bombasaro-Brady).
 Theary Seng enjoying dinner at a Phnom Penh beer garden with SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT crew (Marc Eberle, director Detlev Buck, producer Claus Boje, actor David Kross, etc.) and Marie Naumann of Jewish Museum (Berlin), a few days after premiere, 22 Dec. 2009.
 Legendary actress Mia Farrow (Dream for Darfur) and Theary Seng greeting over 150 bulky armed military police with bouquets of lotus flowers as a crowd of journalists and Cambodian human rights community look on (at entrance to Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, Jan. 2008).
 Amazing singer and humanitarian, U2's Bono, and Theary Seng at press conference prior to P-8 Rock Concert (Rostock, Germany, June 2007).
 The very talented and well-read Matt Dillon, Theary Seng, Michael Hayes and the all too-young staff of Ponlork Restaurant (Phnom Penh, Sept. 2007).